You are fabulous

You are fabulous

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Movie of the week: "RED"

Today in the afternoon i finaly got some time to sit and watch a movie :) A few days ago my hausbant downloaded a really good copy of the new Bruce Willis movie called "RED" .If you like tipical action movies a la Mr.Willis then you will like this movie.Besides him stars Morgan Freeman,John Malkovich,Helen Mirren and Mary-Luise Parker.A few retired CIA buddies trying to figure out who and why made a hit list of all people who participated in a mission in Guatemala in the 80´s.Ofcourse there is a lil of romance and comedy involved but a lot more shooting,car chases explosions...
Conclusion:Not the greatest movie ever,but I can say its ok,watchable.I am a huge fan of action movies so I have to say I expected more of this movie and the great cas of actors.
What is the last movie you watched,and did you liked it?

Love Mimi


  1. Olá!

    Eu também gosto de filmes de acção. Vou juntar este à minha listinha de filmes, que já está a ficar grandinha e mal arranje um tempinho vou ver e depois dou-te a minha opinião.
    O último filme que vi foi na televisão, no Domingo passado, mas não me lembro do nome. Foi com Nicolas cage, e no filme ele tinha capacidade para prever as coisas a 2 minutos de elas acontecerem, excepto quando estava com uma mulher, o que fazia as suas previsões serem com mais antecedência. Também aconselho este filme. mal descubra o nome digo-te. :s


  2. I think I saw that one,but also cant remember the name,but I know I liked it.With a small child and nobody from the side to help for me and my hausbant its impossible to go to the cinema so we download all the new movies,pass them on the big tv screen and we have our own cinema :)

  3. Eu fui ver o Eat, Pray, Love, mas este fim-de-semana vou ao cinema outra vez =)

    Nice movie review =P

  4. @Raqs:O thanks for reminding me about that movie,I will be downloading Eat,Pray,Love today:)
