You are fabulous

You are fabulous

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Rocking Fishtale braids:)

Lately I just wear my hair like this :) Its fast and easy to do and I think it looks cooler then the regular braid:) This one is a lil messy because of the wind,but still love it:) Great if you are lazy to blowdry/streighten/curl your hair,super cute if you decide to wear a hat as well:)

Do you like fishtale braids?

Love and kisses:***


  1. I like it! it has a kind of mink furlook to it, the way coats are made of pieces of mink fur - please do not bite me, lill' mink ;)

  2. @MariaM: Thanks sweetie:)Oh,and I don't bite...well most of the time :D

  3. super mi je, djeluje interesantnije nego obična, u pravu su :-D
    odavno već nemam tako dugu kosu da si mogu plest pletenice :-(

  4. @Zorannah: Hvala ti draga moja:)

    @Poziomka: Thank you dear

    @Nail crazy: A odlicna je kad treba nesto napravit s kosom a bas ti se i ne da:)Ja moju pustam vec dugo i sad je narasla do struka:)Strpljenje je kljuc:)
