You are fabulous

You are fabulous

Monday, February 4, 2013

D.I.Y Lip Plumper??

Plump,full sexy lips - we all like beautiful lips,but some of us were not lucky enough to be born with them :(

I have thin lips and for a really long time I wanted to get the lip injections to make them fuller.But for the last few years I kinda gave up on the idea and turned to lip plumpers.But for most part I was disapointed since I haven't (yet) found one that would really work and give me the effect I want,most of them just left me the cooling sensation but without the real plumping effect. That made me mad because some of the lip plumpers were not cheap at all:(
Like I said,I gave up on the idea of going to the plastic surgeon and put silicone or whatever cause I am a bit affraid I might end up looking like this

Or this

Don't get me wrong,I am not against plastic surgery and if that is the look you might be going for then more power to you,all I am trying to say its not my cup of tea.

Then I started searching on line and find so many DIY lip plumpers and there are a lot of videos on YouTube as well so I decided I want to share the info and also I would like to know your opinion on the topic.Have you tried DIY lip plumpers,or any other,how you liked it and what works for you:)

Here is one very easy DIY video,and I decided I will try it out and see what happens,I just need to buy and ingredient or two.If you are interested I can do an update post and show you if it workes for me or not.

Let me know what you think :)

Love and kisses :***


  1. I would be scared that something should go wrong - lips like on the photos must be a night mare LOL

    1. Lol,you are right,I get scared just by looking at those pics:D

  2. ovo nije loša ideja, čak mi se čini da imam doma sve sastojke, ako se sjetim kad mi nestane sjajila, probat ću :D
    sad imam jedan plumper s pepermintom, ne vidim da to baš nešto radi... kad ovo napraviš, obavezno javi kako je ispalo :D

    1. Ni ja nisam primijetila da ti plumperi imaju efekat,bar ne na meni:( Cim isprobam stavljam fotkice:)

  3. dobra ja nisam protiv operacija, ali nikako za usne, mislim da se usne baš ne mogu promijeniti bez da se upropaste tim nekakvim umjetnim putevima.

    1. Slazem se,rijetko se vide bas dobro uradjene usne,mada mislim da i djevojke tu vole pretjerati a to onda zaista ne izgleda ni lijepo ni sexy

    2. mislim da je problem što nije moguće popuniti usta (bilo inekcijom, bilo operacijom) bez da se zadigne usna, uvijek se mora malo podignuti, a onda se vidi da to nije prirodno. Ne znam baš sam razmišljala o tome i mislim da baš nije nemoguće napraviti usta, a da izgleda prirodno. No nekome se valjda baš i sviđa taj pomalo umjetan izgled. Uglavnom, šminka je sigurno zdravije i sigurnije rješenje. Negdje sam pročitala da je šminker od M. Monroe koristio 5o nijansi ruža da bi napravio njene usne tako sočnima.

    3. Ma sminka i malo umijeca mogu napraviti cudo,nazalost mnogo djevojaka vole taj ''prenaduvan'' izgled koji nikome ne stoji lijepo.U svemu pa tako i kozmetickim zahvatima treba imati mjere,jer ako nije tako efekat vrlo lako se moze postici sasvim suprotan efekat od zeljenog.
