You are fabulous

You are fabulous

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Nails of The Day: The glitter is back!

Hello everyone!Finaly my nails are back to normal,so I can finally paint them and show you:)Last night I removed my old polish and wanted to pint the nails again but I was without ideas,so I left that for the morning.The idea came while I was getting dressed,and trying to find the right necklace for my outfit. This is what inspired me

My new turqoise\green(ish) and gold necklace that I got as a gift for my birthday back in july.I was inspired right away:)

First I put 2 coats of Yssy in number 139,which is a gorgeous turquoise color and then one coat of Yolizul in number 158 - a gold glitter.

I was in love with the result <3 but my camera wasn't,it was so hard to catch the effect,but you can get the idea.I painted my toe nails like this as well:)I am sure I will be wearing this cute combo on my nails more often:)

What are you wearing on your nails this week?

Love and kisses:***


  1. šteta što se kameri nije svidilo... poludim kad mi se desi da se zaljubim u manikuru a onda je ne mogu prenijeti svima drugima :-(
    ali, ja ZNAM da ovo predobro izgleda ;-)

  2. @Lunka: Thank you sweetie:*

    @Nail crazy: Ma ja sam se skroz zaljubila u ovu kombinaciju,ne znam kako mi to nije i dosad palo napamet:)A poludila sam slikala sam jedno 20 puta:(

  3. Super su, šljokice su uvik zakon! :)

  4. @Zorannah: Hvala draga,ja sam odusevljena ovom kombinacijom,non stop gledam svoje noktice :)

    @Marina: Ma nista bez sljokica i glittera:)A kako se primice jesen sve mi se cini da ce na mojim nokticima bit prilicno zastupljene:)
