You are fabulous

You are fabulous

Monday, April 4, 2011

Diet is not that hard:)

Hello my loves,hope you are enjoying this sunny Monday:) Well I have started my diet few days ago and you know what - its not hard at all! First let me say that I am not sticking to any specific book diet,just trying to eat as healthier as I can.That includes eating tons of vegetables and fruit,cut the sweets (a lil treat from time to time is ok),drinking a lot of water.I also stopped eating french fries and all those "good" things:) I was never a big fan of fruit,but I got used to it.
For breakfast I mostly eat cereals with a lil bit of non fat yogurt,an apple (or some other fruit) and coffee,for lunch it is some kind of vegetable mix and for dinner usually a salad.From meat I eat grilled chicken breasts,or grilled turkey stakes,and for snacks it fruit.

I just drink milk with my coffee and now I started with soya milk witch is a lil sweet so I dont put any sugar in my coffee anymore :)

Thats all for today...till next time stay fit and happy :)

Love and kisses:****


  1. sretno ti sa dijetom! za mene to nije, grizem ako sam gladna!

  2. Super!Samo tako nastavi i vjeruj mi,osjećat češ se bolje i zdravije <3

  3. @Maybe: Hvala draga!A ja sam sad uvela praksu kad ogladnim zgrabim neku vockicu inace bi i ja isto tako:)

    @Lunka:Thank you sweetie,I am very stuborn so when I set my mind on something I try really hard to stick to it:)

    @Nina:Hvala puno na podrsci!Moj organizam se raduje ogromnim kolicinama voca i povrca:)

  4. ako ti se gube kilogrami, jedes par dana samo jabuke i pijes jogurt u neogranicenim kolicinama i ta daaaa nema vise viska :-)

  5. @Zorannah: Ma samo cetiri kilograma je viska (po mom misljenju) iako mi muz kaze da sam luda i da mi nikakva dijeta ne treba:)Ali dobra je ideja a i frizider je vec pun jabuka;)
