You are fabulous

You are fabulous

Sunday, March 20, 2011

"Designer" manicure


the objects of desire for so many of us.Classy,sexy, name it (oh,yes expensive!!). Well if you cant have the real deal and give hundreds of dollars or euros on a pair of these gorgeous shoes at least you can do this simple and cute manicure inspired by the famous stilettos:)

Really easy and all you need is basic colors - black and red (and a top coat). I will admit that I am a lil lazy to glue my nails on so I will wait a little and let my own nails grow.Also I think a more pointy shape would look nice.

What do you think? Will you try it?



  1. @Lunka: Yes,I cant wait to try it out,just waiting for my naails to grow a lil more:)

  2. mislim da bi ovo bilo čupavo izvesti na svojim noktima :-)

  3. @nail crazy: U pravu si zbog ovog crvenog laka sa unutrasnje strane,ali mi je mnogo simpa manikura da mi nece smetat cistit:)

    @Juliet's pen/Jovana & Dragana Honey Dasa: Cure potpuno se slazem s vama,divne su,ma predivne.Definitivno pri vrhu moje wish liste:))

  4. videla sam ovo negde, skroz super fora :-)

  5. Preljepe cipele.
    The shoes are amazing

    posjeti moj blog :D

  6. thank you Mimi:)
    The nailpolish is from rimmel london.
